Remove the veil and let us pass,
with burning hearts, to seas of glass.

To burst upon the shores of light,
and finally leave behind the night.

To hear the colors and drink the love
of all that used to be above.

To have a father, to know a king,
where tigers play, and flowers sing.

To walk the truest beach of life,
with steps of peace and end of strife.

To stroll beside the heart of God,
the Carpenter, his feet now shod.

To ask our thousand questions of
that flaming mind, that gentle dove.

To hold each love that we have lost,
to see the scars and know the cost.

To see at last, to touch the glory,
to live and run and start our story.

The veil is a burden here,
It chokes our eyes with sleepless tears.

Don’t make us wait till moons are blood,
and stars are falling in the flood.

Remove the veil and let us pass,
with burning hearts, to seas of glass.