LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR?                        “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” It is the second greatest commandment; we all know it, believer and unbeliever alike. But how do we do it? What does it look like? We tend to think it means being nice to our immediate neighbor; picking up their mail when they […]

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                 Does your family have a swear jar? Do you remember those? It is a jar, usually kept in the kitchen or some other common space; whenever a curse word is uttered in the house the perpetrator must put money into it, usually a quarter. It is a tool that some use to help control […]

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                         After all these years we are still a great happy mess of conflicting impulses. Now more than ever. We are a polyglot nation. A hundred cultures all trying to act like one; sometimes failing spectacularly, but overall, I think we do it better than anyone. If you don’t watch the news, you would never […]

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                   Is forgiveness still a thing? I have noticed a disturbing cultural trend. It has been growing in intensity for at least ten years. Some individual, usually a public figure like a celebrity or a politician, (although this is increasingly happening to “normal” people), have some sin or indiscretion revealed about them. Something for which […]

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                                 DON’T HURT YOU                  We had a visit from an out-of-town friend recently. He was in the area for the funeral of a relative; this relative had committed suicide. Such conversations are obviously sad, but they are also far too frequent. Did you know that there are more than twice as many suicides in […]

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                                                  AURORA                                          This is Aurora, my beautiful granddaughter. I usually call her Rora or Rory. She is three years old. I know that grandparents are supposed to gush about their perfect grandchildren, but she is not perfect. She is one my favorite things on earth, but she is missing pieces. She has a condition […]

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