I finally read this book a few weeks ago. It is a short read, but it is not for the faint of heart. I have always been fascinated by World War One. It is as if all the political and military heads of Europe got together and said, “I’m bored, let’s go insane.” More than any other […]

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  What are tears? Why do we have them? What purpose do they serve? They seem to be a peculiarly human affliction. Other species eyes will water or tear up due to pain or irritation, but they are not really crying. Only people spill emotional tears, only humans weep. And not all tears are equal. […]

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Teach us to Pray – part 2 The first thing Jesus teaches us to say in this model prayer is “our Father”. I can almost count on one hand the number of times God is referred to as a father in the Old Testament; for perspective you should know that the OT makes up three […]

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     I miss smiles. Don’t you? we have been covering them up for nearly a year now and there seems to be no end in sight. My smile is not as attractive as many of yours, but I still miss exchanging it with people. I miss making people smile, strangers, customers, the waitress, the checkout […]

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part one “Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray…’’       Luke 11:1 I cannot imagine my prayers being so effective that an onlooker would be impressed enough to say, “wow, can you teach me to do that?” Yet, that is […]

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          Do you pray? Does it work? What does it mean for a prayer to “work”? What is prayer? What does it look like? If you have prayed and it did not work, whatever that means, is it because you did not do it right? Is it because you are not spiritual enough? (whatever “spiritual” […]

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             What is peace? Is it something that can be manufactured? Is it something we do? Is it something we can actually make? God seems to think so. When Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God” he was not speaking to statesmen or politicians or activists. He was […]

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These are excerpts of a much longer letter that I wrote to one of my grandchildren before they were born, her name is Summer. I wish that I could say most of it to every child on earth…         Summer, You are my fifth grandchild, and although your birth is still many weeks away, I […]

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      Why was she here? Why was she made to endure this? This is not what mothers are for. Where is God in all this? This was madness, this was Hell. Mary stared at the ground, watching drops of blood splat into the dust. It seemed she could hear them strike the earth, which did […]

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           This week is Yom Kippur. For our Jewish neighbors it is the holiest day of the year. Many will spend the day in fasting, repentance and prayer. They are forced to think about their sins. To confess them to God, and to each other. It is an ancient and powerful day; it goes all […]

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