Two of my grandchildren teaching me what joy looks like. Do you have joy? What is joy? Whatever it is children seem to own it by default. They assume the day will be good. They look forward to the next few minutes regardless of the last few. It takes years of life in this remorseless […]

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What is love?  I am repeatedly commanded by God to love, and I am terrible at it. Most of what we read and say and sing about love is in romantic terms, but God has very little to say about that, apart from the Song of Solomon.  God seems almost insane with his expectations of […]

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“Vanity of vanities, says the preacher, Vanity of vanities! All is vanity. What does man gain by all the toil At which he toils under the sun? A generation goes, and a generation comes, But the earth remains forever. The sun rises, and the sun goes down, And hastens to the place where it rises.” […]

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Are you lonely? What does it mean to be lonely? My dictionary defines the word as “dejected by the awareness of being alone.” I can probably count on one hand the number of times I have been lonely, yes my friends, introverts can get lonely too. I think a better word to describe what I […]

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      I think I miss the cold war. Is that a dumb thing to say? Oh well. The world seemed simpler then. Of course it was not, but it seemed that way compared to our current erratic world order. There was East and there was West. The Soviet Union and their friends against the United […]

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               Twenty years ago, on a clear Tuesday morning, I was driving a forklift on a long loading dock in King of Prussia. My boss drove up to me, stopped, and said,” a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center.” We went back to work thinking what a horrific accident it was. A short […]

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                                                          Happy Birthday America                I have lived near Valley Forge Pennsylvania for most of my life. It is a beautiful park and well-maintained by our wonderful National Park Service folks. With its more than 3500 acres and monuments, its gentle rolling hills and many miles of biking/walking/running trails, it attracts lots of visitors and […]

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   I became a father in 1989. After eight kids and now six grandkids, so far, I was wondering what I would tell that cocky young man in his mid- twenties? Would he listen? Probably not, he is very proud and resentful of advice. One of my main complaints about the way we are forced […]

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             This is Talitha. She is the most precious thing you have ever laid eyes on. She is also my youngest grandchild, so far. Picking her up and holding her is one of my chief pleasures in this world. Until recently it has been a bit of a challenge because she is very attached to […]

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       Is there anything better than a dog?  The name of this dog is Phoenix. She is named after our hometown of Phoenixville and the now defunct Phoenix Pale Ale. If you look up the words, “love” or “adoration” in any worthy dictionary you will find a picture of her. She lives for human touch […]

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