I was walking along the shore of Lake Michigan when I came across this door standing in the middle of the beach. Clearly this is simply a fun way of declaring the beach to be heavenly; the other side of the door says “Paradise”. It is a very nice stretch of shoreline to walk, and […]

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Everything had a beginning. Not all things will have an end. Creation is a song; it has a rhythm, a tempo, a rhyme. God is to creation what a band is to the music. When the band stops playing, all the songs are over, and the room becomes silent and dark. But God will never […]

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                 I’m a beach bum. I could spend the rest of my days wandering the beaches of this world barefoot, wearing only shorts and a T-shirt. I find the sea intoxicating, along with all its bays, inlets and coastal waterways. I am not alone, millions of us flock to the coast whenever we can.                  […]

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                              The Earth is beautiful, but it is also wounded. Our world is a puzzling mix of horror and grace. Of gentleness and violence. Of kindness and cruelty. Of selflessness and depravity. Life feels like a never-ending mix of peace and suffering. I once heard Oxford mathematician John Lennox refer to this as “beauty and […]

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has been around for as long as there has been trauma, which has been around for as long as there have been humans. We just did not call it that until recently. According to the Mayo Clinic PTSD is “a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event – […]

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 Another birthday. She is so beautiful to me. Her 24 years here were short and painful. I have often questioned God about this, but he has given me no explanations, beyond the dry theological ones I already knew. Although it seems to me that his own time among us was also short and painful, for […]

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