“Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them…”                     The sermon on the mount is not a sermon, at least, not what we mean when we use that word. Jesus did not spend a week […]

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           Heaven whispers. It almost never shouts. When it does shout it always seems to be in the aftermath of something horrific, like a tsunami or an earthquake; or that bright September morning when the Twin Towers were knocked down by hatred. At those moments, and for days afterward, Heaven is shouting. Not in anger, […]

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                                   HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY                  Channel surfing the other day I stumbled across the beginning of “Groundhog Day”, the classic 1993 film starring Bill Murray. It’s on the list of near-perfect movies, (A Christmas Story, The Matrix, Gladiator, The Hunt for Red October, The Kid, The Godfather, Etc.). “Groundhog Day” connects with me at every […]

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30 Years with your Mother

                     30 years with your mother is not enough. I remember once, when we were dating, we were driving somewhere together, and I made some snippy and disrespectful comment about “old people” driving because one had inconvenienced me in some way. Later that day your mother gently reminded me that when we talk about the […]

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I tweeted a tweet today, Gave no thought to what I’d say. Something happened so I reacted, My thoughts are pure and unredacted. It was crude and it was shameless, It matters not for I am blameless. I did not stop to think or pause, All that matters is my cause. I have no interest […]

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