…for they shall inherit the earth.

The teaching of Jesus is often so counter-intuitive to this world that it must be other-worldly. The meek will one day win it all. How can this be? The world we wake up to each day boldly declares the opposite. What is Jesus talking about?

He is referring to a kingdom of gentleness that is destined to rule all creation. Those who claim him as king now will live as if it were already here. They will reflect his own meekness. Jesus only described himself one time; with the words, “I am gentle, and lowly of heart”. No other god would dare describe themselves like that. It requires omnipotence.

A few lifetimes ago I was a U.S. Marine. We are not known for our meekness, that is not what you pay us to be. But the opposite of meekness is not strength and boldness; meekness is not weakness. Indeed, meekness requires a strength that few seem to possess today. The opposite of meekness is hubris. It is insisting that others acknowledge you and conform to your wishes.

In an age when passions seem unrestrained it takes deep strength to remain unassuming; to be deferential, gentle, and self-effacing. Meekness is power but it is power under control; power to serve, not to dominate. Meekness insists on being right, but it never demands that people know it is right. Meekness has a voice, not a megaphone. Meekness listens far more than it speaks.

Meekness is a sermon that I preach to my heart every week. But my heart rarely listens because it knows what a hypocrite the preacher is. If the haughty ever inherit the earth it would be unbearable. When I look upon the scornful, self-important, demanding, imperious spirit of the age, and when I consider the self-righteous loudmouth that dwells in my own heart; I am reminded of these chilling words from scripture:

God is opposed to the proud.