Mothers are amazing.

None of us would exist if this beautiful woman did not go through the physical wretchedness of childbearing; the pain and suffering; the sacrifice of their own body, of their own self. If men had to give birth the race would have died out long ago.

Mothers bear the image of God in the most remarkable ways. They are the walking embodiment of selflessness; of loving and embracing a person they have not even met yet. There is nothing viable about a human even several years after birth. We need to be held and carried everywhere. We must be comforted and fed and coddled and clothed and cleaned by another. By this lovely creature we call mother.

A mother gives and gives and gives. Then she gets up and gives some more. She gives us warmth and love and milk from her breasts. She gives us time and songs and prayers and tears. She gives us encouragement and strength to get up and keep moving. She rubs our backs and binds our wounds, physical and emotional. She weeps when we weep, she rejoices when we rejoice. Mothers are the presence of God on earth in a way nothing else is.

She is a nurse, a nutritionist, a chef, a teacher, a janitor, a manager, a referee, a conflict resolution expert and a researcher all at once. And she gets paid for none of it. Mothers soften the hearts of their sons in a world in desperate need of gentleness. And they harden their daughters against a world that will not be gentle with them.

Women and mothers are undervalued by our culture. A world that pretends men can now have babies and be mothers too, so how hard can it be? This world is silly. Women have always seemed like magical beings to me, I never stop marveling at them. And mothers are nothing short of glorious. A treasure. A gift from Heaven; a living miracle that we all get to see every day. Mothers are the foundation of humanity. They literally teach us to walk and talk.

There is a reason that whenever we think of home, we think of a mother.

There is a reason that star athletes, grown men, at the moment of their greatest triumph, will look into the television camera and shout “Hi mom!”

There is a reason that the words “Honor your mother” were once carved into stone by the finger God.

Mothers, you may not feel like it most days, but you are the most beautiful things on earth.

Happy Mother’s Day

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future. She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” 

“Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.”   – Unknown